Communities and Ethnobiology Grant

The Communities and Ethnobiology Grant is a monetary award given to a community involved with an ethnobiology-related project local to that year’s annual conference. It is a means through which the Society of Ethnobiology can give back to the community hosting us and support important work being done at the local level. We invite the awardees to present their work at the annual business meeting on the last day of the conference so that the Society can learn about and acknowledge the local community.

Communities and Ethnobiology Grant Recipients

Dail Chambers2024 Dail Chambers
Dail Chambers is an artist and community activist with both Black and Indigenous heritage who works to reclaim and re-invigorate neglected urban spaces. She is currently the steward of an urban farm project in north St. Louis on properties that had formerly been vacant lots. The urban farm features useful native Midwestern plants and shrubs as well as vegetables and medicinal herbs, which are regularly shared with local community residents. North St. Louis is a region that has been deemed "blighted" due to low incomes, high crime, and high numbers of vacant buildings—the result of a long history of redlining and institutional racism. With this urban farm, Dail hopes to improve the quality of life in her neighborhood from the ground up by providing access to healthy food, creating a social hub, and by turning a vacant lot into a peaceful and beautiful space. In addition to her urban farm work, Dail also has an active visual art practice and teaches workshops in wellness and sustainability.


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