Special Issues/Sections

The Journal of Ethnobiology publishes Special Issues/Sections on ethnobiological topics of broad interest. We invite submissions of high-quality articles for possible inclusion in future Special Issues. In addition, if you would like to help us put together a collection of articles (3-12) on a specific ethnobiological topic for a Special Section, please contact us.

Journal of Ethnobiology

Future Special Issues and Sections

Ethnobiology and Philosophy (Guest Editors: Abigail Nieves Delgado; David Ludwig; Charbel N. El-Hani)

Recent Special Issues and Sections


Advancing Methods in Ethnobiology, A Tribute to Justin Nolan (Guest Edited by Marsha Quinlan and Michael C. Robbins)


Tropical Agriculture: Past and Present (Guest Edited by Lydie Dussol and Stéphan Rostain)


Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change (Guest edited by Xiaoyue Li, André Braga Junqueira, and Victoria Reyes-García)

40th Anniversary Issue
Ethnobiology of Bats (Guest edited by Ricardo Rocha, Adrià Baucells, and Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares)


Wild Meat in Changing Times (Guest edited by Daniel J. Ingram)

Ethnobiology of Dogs (Guest edited by Petra Cunningham-Smith and Kitty Emery)

Ethnobiology and Sweeteners (Guest edited by Jeffrey Wall and Irene Teixidor-Toneu)


Ethnobiology and Mollusks (Guest edited by Ariadna Burgos and Alexandra C. Younger)

Ethnobiology Through Song (Guest edited by Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares)

Action Ethnobiology (Guest edited by Chelsey Geralda Armstrong and Alex C. McAlvay)


Honoring Steve Weber 

Ethnobiology and Cannabis (Guest edited by Denise Glover)

Ethnobiology and Children (Guest edited by Sandrine Gallois and Victoria Reyes-García)

Feral Dynamics (Guest edited by Nils Bubandt and Anna Tsing)


Birds II

Ethnobiology and Fisheries (Guest Editors: Eréndira M. Quintana Morales)

21st Century Pastoralism and Biodiversity Conservation (Guest Editor: Katerine E. French)

Empirical and Model-Based Agricultural Studies in Archaeology (Guest Editors: Andrew Gillreath-Brown and R. Kyle Bocinsky)


Botanical Ontologies (Guest edited by Lewis Daly, Katherine E. French, Theresa L. Miller, and Luíseach Nic Eoin)

Archaeology as Ethnobiology (Guest edited by Lisa Nagaoka and Steve Wolverton)

Urban Ethnobiology (Guest edited by Marla Emery and Patrick Hurley)

Birds (Guest edited by Nicole Saul)


Fire Ecology & Ethnobiology (Guest edited by Cynthia T. Fowler and James R. Welch)


Climate Change & Ethnobiology (Guest edited by Steve Wolverton, Kimberly Chambers, and James R. Veteto)

Food Security in a Changing World (Guest edited by Justin M. Nolan and Andrea Pieroni)

Journal Metrics

2024 Impact Factor: 2.9