The Journal of Ethnobiology invites manuscripts based on original research in any area of ethnobiology, the interdisciplinary study of past and present relationships between humans and their biological worlds. Topics include but are not limited to: paleoethnobotany, zooarchaeology, ethnobotany, ethnozoology, ethnoecology, linguistic ethnobiology, and other related fields of study within anthropology and biology. Research areas published in JoE include but are not limited to paleoethnobotany, zooarchaeology, ethnobotany, ethnozoology, ethnoecology, linguistic ethnobiology, and other related fields of study within anthropology and biology. JoE does not limit itself to a single perspective or approach, but seeks to represent the diversity of the field of ethnobiology (including cognitive, symbolic, linguistic, ecological, and economic aspects of human interactions with the living world). Papers that significantly advance theory or methodology are particularly welcome. JoE does not publish uncontextualized data such as species lists; appropriate submissions must elaborate on the cultural context of findings.

Submissions: Manuscripts should be 20 - 40 ms pages, and approximately 5,000 - 8,500 words, including tables and references cited. We encourage authors to send articles less than 5,000 words to Ethnobiology Letters, and manuscripts longer than approximately 8,500 words to the Contributions in Ethnobiology series. In some cases, additional material (e.g., long lists of taxa and ethnobiological uses) can be published as an on-line supplement to the main article. Manuscripts should be submitted through Scholar One Manuscripts portal at

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Open Acess Option: The Journal of Ethnobiology does not charge page charges, but we do encourage authors to become members of the Society. For accepted papers, and if authors are interested in making a paper open access, we have a limited number of slots per journal issue. We offer a choice between commercial and a noncommercial Creative Common licenses under the authors' discretion. See Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0) and Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0). Please contact the editors for information about our open access fee.

Style Guide: Please consult the Journal of Ethnobiology Manuscript Submission Guidelines at All submissions will undergo an initial internal assessment for general suitability. If they do not meet the journal’s mission and standards, they will be promptly turned around to the authors without further consideration. In addition, submissions that have not been correctly formatted and otherwise do not conform to the journal’s style guide, and/or which have substantial language (readability) issues, will be immediately declined. If formatting and other such issues are addressed, a revised version may be considered after resubmission.


The Journal of Ethnobiology (JoE) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Society of Ethnobiology. Founded in 1981, JoE is the oldest ethnobiological journal in the world. JoE is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary journal publishing work from across the biological sciences, ecological sciences, humanities and social sciences that explores human engagement with, and knowledge of, biophysical environments across space and time.

We are committed to publishing high-quality and high-impact research in the field of ethnobiology sensu lato. Work published in the journal demonstrates how an ethnobiological perspective can not only inform other related disciplines but also policy and practice for biocultural conservation.

JoE’s readership is as wide and diverse as ethnobiology itself. JoE does not limit itself to a single perspective or discipline, but seeks to represent the full spectrum of the field of ethnobiology, including cognitive, symbolic, linguistic, ecological, and economic approaches. Articles that significantly advance ethnobiological theory and/or methodology are particularly welcome, as well as studies bridging disciplines and knowledge systems. JoE does not publish uncontextualized data such as purely descriptive lists of species known to a given group of people; appropriate submissions must elaborate on the ethnobiological context and relevance of findings.

The journal is committed to publishing collections of papers on novel and less explored topics that are relevant to ethnobiology. These special issues and special sections should establish new directions in the field as well as theoretical and methodological advances.

JoE is fully committed to facilitating global conversations and recognizes the international scope of our discipline by publishing papers by scholars from around the world.

JoE’s publishing model is hybrid, offering several open access options for authors.

The Journal’s 2022 Impact Factor: 2.9.


In 1981, the Society of Ethnobiology launched JoE in recognition of the pressing need to publish inter-disciplinary, original research focused on the inter-relationships between humans and nature. Back at that time, there were scientific journals that focused on ethnobotany or cultural anthropology, but there was not a single scientific journal publishing ethnobiological research in its broadest sense. JoE was therefore conceived as a uniting forum for grounded exchange of knowledge, research and ideas within the ethnobiological community.

From its humble beginnings as a bi-annual publication, with an average of ~6 papers per issue, JoE now publishes four full issues per year, averaging ~9 papers in each issue. Beginning with that very first issue of the journal in 1981, and continuing today, each collection of papers is a window into the breadth and integration of knowledge that characterizes our discipline.

JoE builds on the Society of Ethnobiology’s reputation for excellence in scientific publishing and long-standing commitment to foster appreciation of the richness of ethnobiology worldwide. As a result, articles published in JoE over the last four decades have contributed to shape the international knowledge landscape of ethnobiology, featuring research that spans the whole globe.


Members of the Society of Ethnobiology have free access to the Journal of Ethnobiology through SAGE and BioOne, a unique aggregation of high-impact bioscience research journals. The Journal of Ethnobiology does not charge page charges, but we do encourage authors to become members of the Society.

Journal Access via Research4Life

BioOne, a proud participant in a philanthropic initiative Research4Life, has made its journal aggregation, BioOne complete, available at no cost to more than 2,5000 institutions all around the globe. The dissemination adds to the visibility and prestige of BioOne Complete journals (like the Journal of Ethnobiology!), and provides students and researchers from across the globe with access to critical and current research.

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Journal Metrics

2024 Impact Factor: 2.9